Event Timing: 10th-13th of July 2023Virtual Workshop : 4 days Crash Course on Teaching Speaking.Contact us : ninaokta@alfacentauri.sch.id (08172306171)
Full name*
Phone number (WA)*
How many days will you join the event?*
I understand that a certificate will be granted only if I attend the entire session (4 days)*
Price: Rp 100.000 per day.4 days price: R[ 350.000 per day.
PaymentBNI 702070265An : Yayasan Taqwa Cerdas Kreatif
Confirm your payment to Ms. Nina Oktaviana (WhatsApp 08172306171, Email: ninaokta@alfacentauri.sch.id)
Please upload your payment receipt here.*